Friday, October 30, 2009

Exam exam exam ..

finally r friday..
so i can on com and write something in my blog.. XP

taday having sejarah exam..
dunno can pass anot ..
the ques so hard..

taday dunno who de exam paper no pass up..
make till puan tan so angry and so disapointed..
so me go help puan tan she also dun wan..
at last..
hope everyone good luck and exam faster over!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

sharing wif u

today is my 舅舅 graduate day..
so happy to see that..

i have just saw my kai mei blog..
dunno why,
her blog make me feel like as pain as her heart..
i just wanna to tell her ~ mei,
u can share everything wif me if u wan,
dun put it in ur heart and make ur heart pain..
i dun know will u see tis blog,
i hope u see it and dun put unhappiness in ur heart,
i will always sharing wif u..

to= yan

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Exam coming

exam is coming !!
But i still using com XD !!
haiz tis exam me first time study,
but dunno why finish studying sj thn now no mood study other subject !!!
now i am scare i will drop class and my mum will scold me if tat happen!!
haiz !! tell me how !!!


first time having a blog dunno wan to write wat !!