Tuesday, November 24, 2009

go hang gai..

i go hang gai...
damn tired and damn happy..
soh huie, chia chee, kai ling, jia hwei and suh xin got go..
we go many places leh..

me 9.30 go ktm..
wait till 10.20 thn jia hwei come...
thn 10.45..
they only arrive...
wait jor so long ..

thn we go midvalley..
they go find their things lu..
thn they find out..
waste jor money...

thn we take kt go kl sentral..
after that still need take monorail to pavillian..
so expensive leh monorail..
for 4 station only..
th we go pavillion de food court have lunch..
use jor RM10++..

the food still not so yummy only..
thn we go sungai wang lu...
they all go buy shirt lu..
but me also dunno wan do wat so follow thm lu..

buy jor we go timesquare lor...
go time square de secret recipe..
but cannot find..
so we go gasoline eat lu...
thm jia hwei aunt come fetch us to ktm...
so gud.. no nid waste money...
thn i go home jor still need go tuition...
so tired jor leh...

but nvm la..
go pei my kai mei..

one day like tat finish jor ..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

miss u all..

miss u all so much...
miss all the fun..
holidays so boring...
hope that our friendship will best forever..

miss all my kai mei,
and hui yin, wai yee, jia jen, and many many more..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Head pain

If i tell u i love u will u accept me ????????

yeah go JUSCO

First time no go skul go jusco...
the feel so "bu guan"...

me today 10:00 arrive jusco jor..
the shoping more haven open..

whn go in shoping more thn me go popular thr jor ...
no ppl de..
so K...

thn ken weng arrive jor...
after wai yee and tsu yi..
thn manyee..
thn chein ping..
after is karmen and her bf...

thn we go play at theme park...
use many money..
i think use jor 50-60+..

thn we go watch 2012..
ok ok la..
for me..
but u i dunno lu..

thn go home jor..
first time ponteng..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

exam over..

yeah yeah yeah..

Exam over jor..
i am free free free free..
but now i am waiting for the result..
scare will drop claz!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

talking about friends

i saw many pengawas blog that talking about friends..
all so touching..
the most touching wan is min er blog..
pui khay is introducing her friend and i hope wan zheng can recover faster..

tomolo examing geography and i haven study yet..
scare fail..
anyone can teach me gg ??

Friday, October 30, 2009

Exam exam exam ..

finally r friday..
so i can on com and write something in my blog.. XP

taday having sejarah exam..
dunno can pass anot ..
the ques so hard..

taday dunno who de exam paper no pass up..
make till puan tan so angry and so disapointed..
so me go help puan tan she also dun wan..
at last..
hope everyone good luck and exam faster over!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

sharing wif u

today is my 舅舅 graduate day..
so happy to see that..

i have just saw my kai mei blog..
dunno why,
her blog make me feel like as pain as her heart..
i just wanna to tell her ~ mei,
u can share everything wif me if u wan,
dun put it in ur heart and make ur heart pain..
i dun know will u see tis blog,
i hope u see it and dun put unhappiness in ur heart,
i will always sharing wif u..

to= yan

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Exam coming

exam is coming !!
But i still using com XD !!
haiz tis exam me first time study,
but dunno why finish studying sj thn now no mood study other subject !!!
now i am scare i will drop class and my mum will scold me if tat happen!!
haiz !! tell me how !!!


first time having a blog dunno wan to write wat !!